The Irish Contraception and Crisis Pregnancy Study 2010 (ICCP 2010) is a comprehensive study produced by the HSE's Crisis Pregnancy Programme (CPP).
The study shows that 44% of women expressed varying degrees of regret about their abortions. The study showed that 31% of women who had abortion experienced "some regrets", with 13% reporting that they experienced “a lot of regrets”. This represents an increase from 2003, when 22% reported experiencing some regret, with 11% saying they had a lot of regrets.
The report did not investigate mental health impact of abortion. This is surprising given that there are now a large number of studies showing that abortion presents a considerable risk to the mental health of women.
There has been considerable media attention on the stories of women who wish to legalise abortion in Ireland. The same media attention is not, and ought to be, given to the large numbers of women in Ireland who regret their abortion.
The report can be found in full here.